terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

Cuidado Maior com a Semente

Mateus 13 traz o conhecido relato de Jesus contando a Parábola da Semente à multidão e, depois, comentando-a e esclarecendo-a aos discípulos em separado. A estória fala do Semeador que encontra os quatro tipos de solos: o superficial, à beira do caminho, o pedregal, o  lugar entre os espinhos, e a boa terra.

Certamente, somente o último era ideal para a semeadura. Quem plantaria ao pé do caminho e deixaria apenas exposta a semente aos devoradores? Quem a lançaria no pedregal sem garantia de que alcançaria a própria terra? Quem não atentaria e a jogaria em meio aos espinhos? Um bom semeador escolheria uma boa terra.

A mensagem deveria logo levantar a questão do desperdício do trabalho e da semente a ser evitado. Muito produziria o semeador que soubesse e achasse a boa terra a semear. Este produziria multiplicadamente. Aliás, quem não se protegeria do inimigo, da dureza e dificuldade dos diversos tipos de solo se fosse sabedor e bem cuidadoso do seu trabalho.

De fato, em minhas rápidas visitas aos mais simples agricultores, nunca vi um deles tão somente sair jogando sementes estrada afora, ou a lançá-las antes de puxar uma razoável covinha na terra macia, bem húmida, de preferência. Eu mesma participei de alguns plantios. Saía-se, primeiro, a limpar o terreno; logo, outro ia à frente golpeando a terra com uma ferramenta aguda para abri-la o suficiente para depois enterrar bem ali alguns grãos, em cada abertura que depois se fechava. Tinha-se a certeza de que havia terra suficiente por cima...

Enfim, pude acrescentar maior reflexão nesta parábola relida. Eu bem poderia ter composto a rodinha dos discípulos que indagaram naquele dia a Jesus. Como é valioso que nos seja dado conhecer os mistérios do Reino! Como é estéril ver e não ver, ouvir e não ouvir, nem compreender por causa de um coração endurecido que não se curva, e, por isso, não pode ser curado.

Ao explicar mais sobre a parábola falada propositalmente para quem tinha o entendimento do coração e recebia de boa vontade, Jesus estava curando, curando sua turma de parabologia. Imagino que ver e ver, ouvir e ouvir e compreender com o coração sempre nos leva a meditar na Palavra que o Filho de Deus nos trouxe do céu como pão. Desejamos mais e nos voltamos para o aprendizado com o Mestre.

Meu coração muitas vezes pulou a trilha nessa e tantas outras palavras que Deus nos deu para nosso crescimento, mesmo dando-lhe muito pensar, porque o meu coração ainda não estava como boa terra, uma terra que recebe alegre e protege a semente até sua farta safra chegar.

Parece, pelo texto referido, que outras parábolas sobre semeadura se seguiram de explicações depois dessa. Era muito desejável ouvir tudo aquilo. Jesus diz: "Escutai, pois, a Palábola do Semeador." Se isso tem que ser feito principalmente com o coração nem deve ser necessário o MP3 ou um 'headphone'. Nossos sentidos sensoriais vão além do que imaginamos. Mas, quando operamos na base do sensorial de um coração inclinado para escutar de Deus, aumenta a percepção total de modo abundante.

Deus tem interesse em dar mais, não em racionar o que aprendemos ao ouvir Sua Palavra. Mas, se não temos a disposição do coração, acontece que diminui ainda mais a assimilação. E, isso tem a ver com um processo chamado conversão ou a falta dela. Vamos chegando o ouvido do coração e Deus vai nos sarando da surdez e da cegueira espiritual. Deus nos traz cura através da Sua Palavra.

Eu pensaria, se não entenderam essa e querem mais explicação, porque vou adiantar a matéria e ensinar ainda outras lições em parábolas? Mas, eu não sou o Mestre, graças a Deus, para o bem de todos nós, inclusive o meu.

Quando Deus está me falando em Sua Palavra, preciso ter meu terreno limpado de pedras e espinhos, com a profundidade certa aberta no coração, o bastante para acolher e guardar o que vou também buscar compreender com amor, vontade e desejo.

Compreender também é um nome que carrega o sentido de apropriação. Nessa apropriação, a semente se torna o alimento da minha terra e a minha terra responde com frutos próprios daquela semente.

Acalmando meu coração pude entender que na obra da semeadura, também, quando reproduzo as palavras do Senhor, preciso ver onde cai a semente, e, se possível, cuidar de preparar cada coração para bem ouvir. O servir é completo.

Dar a ajuda do entendimento e da explicação é importante para que a semente não seja arrebatada do coração do ouvinte. Sondar a terra para ver se há profundidade para enraizar a palavra da semente e tratar de fornecer as condições para o devido enraizamento é sabedoria. Também é sábio ajudar o ouvinte em suas lutas, tribulações, tentações, para que ele não seja sufocado pelos chamamentos desse mundo, nem desfaleça por falta de água e luz, nutrientes e conforto, o necessário para as condições do florescer.

Aprendi muito sobre aproveitar o que procuro transmitir do conteúdo de tudo que Deus nos ensina por Sua Palavra e Seu Espírito. Aprendi que é preciso oferecer entendimento extra, aprofundamento e condições de crescimento de cada palavra falada, lida, dada, apoiando com um acompanhamento que permite capacitar meus ouvintes para as lutas contra as distrações e o sofrimento da vida. Assim, aprendi que nossas formas de evangelismos e discipulado mal jogam as sementes no meio do caminho despreparado, exibido aos abutres.

Que Deus me ajude a absorver e produzir a partir dessa compreensão maior da Parábola do Semeador e das outras sementes, que tanto me educa como me ensina a educar na vivência cristã enraizada em tudo aquilo que Deus tem em nós, para nós mesmos! Nada como o prazer de uma colheita plena! Meu coração se inclinará a esse propósito quando eu ler e procurar ensinar a Palavra.

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    Terça, Fev. 26, 2013
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Controversial monk handed ‘freedom of religion’ award
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dvb.no - A contentious monk, known as Wirathu, who has led numerous vocal campaigns against Muslims living in Burma, was handed a “freedom of religion” award in Mandalay on Sunday night. The award was hande...
First Amendment to the Constitution: Freedom of the Press
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Law 1783

shestokas.com - Like Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, in the United States the concept of Freedom of the Press as it developed has been uniquely American.  Along with free speech for the general populati...
Boston Review — Katrina Lantos Swett: Defending Freedom of Conscience and Religion Abroad
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Daniel E. Pritchard

bostonreview.net - Having read Elizabeth Shakman Hurd’s article, “Muslims Need Not Apply,” I am saddened by the tenor and content of her opposition to those of us who insist that governments support the international...
Jonathan Meddings reviews Freedom of Religion and the Secular State
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George Higinbotham

skepticink.com - Jonathan Meddings, an Australian atheist activist, has given a brief (and favorable) review to Freedom of Religion and the Secular State). He notes, “Indeed, this book should be on the bedside tabl...
First Amendment to the Constitution: Freedom of Religion
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Lease e-shop

shestokas.com - The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are referred to as the Bill of Rights.  The First Amendment protects “freedom of expression” for Americans by restricting government authority to pas...
COMMENT: An Ambassador of Freedom FROM religion?
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Religion World

rosslandtelegraph.com - Canada now has an Ambassador of Religious Freedom. By definition the basis of religion is in the realm of metaphysics, but metaphysics surely cannot be the focus for our newest Ambassador. How does...
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
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Shakil Ahmad Butt

dailytimes.com.pk - Owing to the contemporary climate of extremism in Pakistan, the key is to bring various faith communities together and make collective efforts to foster peace and stability Faith Matters, a conflic...
adventist report: 2011 International Religious Freedom Report
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#New World Order

adventistreport.com - Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom either alone or in community with others and in pub...
Free speech as seen by a believer in an Abrahamic religion
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freespeechdebate.com - Dramatic global clashes over free speech frequently pit a liberal-inspired defence of freedom against the sensitivities of religion. Whether it is in the protests surrounding the Innocence of Musli...
New Office of Religious Freedom opens Pandora’s Box
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TI Network

blogs.vancouversun.com - Regardless of whether it’s good policy or good politics, this week’s opening of Canada’s new Office of Religious Freedom is taking the lid off a Pandora’s box. The Conservative government is follow...
Legislation Promotes Use of Religion to Discriminate, Says ACLU-TN
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Anna Summers

aclu.org - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: (212) 549-2666; media@aclu.org NASHVILLE – This week the Tennessee General Assembly will consider two bills that would allow the use of religion to discriminate, unde...
“No idea” why criminal court has taken so long to process museum vandalism case: PG’s Office 
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Secular Maldives

minivannews.com - The Prosecutor General’s (PG) Office has revealed it has “no idea” as to why two individuals charged with vandalising the national museum last year have yet to be brought to justice. The two men, a...
Article #18, Freedom of Thought, Religion & Beliefs : Youth For Human Rights Video
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Refresh Your Nest

youthforhumanrights.org - Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in pub...
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
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Hafiz Muhammad

dailytimes.com.pk - Owing to the contemporary climate of extremism in Pakistan, the key is to bring various faith communities together and make collective efforts to foster peace and stability Faith Matters, a conflic...
School Offers Yoga Classes For Kids, Parents Sue For Violation Of Religious Freedom
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James Tyrrell

addictinginfo.org - Human beings fear what we do not understand. That’s simply a fact of life. Most functional adults understand this, and a great many of us, when faced with things we do not understand, seek to under...
FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience: The US is the world's largest prison state
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Joseph F Barber

josephfreedomoranarchy.blogspot.com - The US is the world's largest prison state The US is the world's largest prison state The US is the world's largest prison state, imprisoning more of its citizens than any nation on earth, both in ...
The Malaysian Insider - Main - Side Views - Freedom of religion at stake in Malaysia — Wan Hilmi (loyarburok.com) @ Mon Feb 25 2013
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Chris Lim Sor Yeung

themalaysianinsider.com - FEB 25 — When a religious controversy arises, there will be a lot of hoo-ha among Malaysians — no matter how unproductive it is to debate about it.  While Primer Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and...
FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience: WE ARE THE RESISTANCE:A man is either free or he is not. There cannot be any apprenticeship for freedom.
Partilhado por
Joseph F Barber

josephfreedomoranarchy.blogspot.com - WE ARE THE RESISTANCE:A man is either free or he is not. There cannot be any apprenticeship for freedom. WE ARE THE RESISTANCE Guardians of Freedom and the American way of LIFE: Let us realize once...
Church of Scientology Opens National Office in D.C. Landmark
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scientology.org - The Church of Scientology opened its new National Affairs Office in Washington, D.C., September 12, 2012, in ceremonies attended by more than a thousand officials, dignitaries and Church members. M...
Government assault may have just begun, Cardinal Dolan warns :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
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C Simonetti

catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Feb 23, 2012 / 03:45 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- President Obama's contraception mandate may only be the beginning of a historic attack on religious freedom, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan war...
DOJ to Federal Judge: We Can Force Your Wife to Violate Her Religion
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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - While presenting an oral argument in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia last fall, a lawyer for the U.S. Justice Department told a federal judge that the Obama adm...
Health Insurance: Complexities and Ethics of Health Care Financing
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Nick's Tweet Zone

heritage.org - Private health insurance increasingly entails moral and ethical issues of consequence to both employers and workers. Recent federal health care legislation has exacerbated the situation by implicit...
11 Republicans file brief opposing HHS mandate - The Arlington Catholic Herald
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Frank Sacks

catholicherald.com - WASHINGTON — Eleven Republican members of Congress filed a brief supporting conscience provisions in one lawsuit fighting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' contraceptive mandate. In...
Freedom of religion and belief in Pakistan
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themuslimtimes.org - The Daily Times: by Rehman Anwer: Owing to the contemporary climate of extremism in Pakistan, the key is to bring various faith communities together and make collective efforts to foster peace and ...
Virginia legislature passes bill protecting religious freedom of student organizations : News Headlines - Catholic Culture
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Mister American

catholicculture.org - By votes of 80-19 and 21-18, the Virginia house and senate have passed legislation that “permits, to the extent allowed by law, religious or political student organizations at public institutions o...
Counter-terrorism expert to discuss religious freedom and extremism
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Uni of Liverpool

news.liv.ac.uk - published on February 15 2013 this article has no comments Maajid Nawaz, co-founder and chairman of Quilliam, a counter extremism think tank, will consider the future security challenges in relatio...
Obama Admin. 'Most Hostile' to Religious Freedom in US History, Says Expert :: Prophecy Dude
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Gregory Branscum

prophecydude.org - WASHINGTON – A conservative expert on religious freedom issues believes that President Barack Obama has headed "the most hostile" administration to religious freedom in American history. Ken Klukow...
New Office of Religious Freedom praised by Canadian faithful
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CDM 4 Sarnia-Lambton

lifesitenews.com - VAUGHAN, Ontario, February 22, 2013, (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Conservative government fulfilled an election promise on Tuesday and established the Office of Religious Freedom dedicated to promoting...
Virginia legislature passes bill protecting religious freedom of student organizations : News Headlines - Catholic Culture
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Doug Goff

catholicculture.org - By votes of 80-19 and 21-18, the Virginia house and senate have passed legislation that “permits, to the extent allowed by law, religious or political student organizations at public institutions o...
My Christian Daily | Daily Christian news, views and magazine-style articles on issues impacting the world today
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My Christian Daily

mychristiandaily.com - In announcing the office, Harper talked about repression in Islamic countries. But religious persecution is common, to varying degrees, in most of the world.   Regardless of whether it's good polic...
News | The University of Sydney
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sydney.edu.au - To register and make your online payment, please click here Until recently, religious freedom was taken for granted in Australia as being not only a fundamental human right, but also an essential c...
Rick Warren Tackles Religious Freedom, Birth Control Mandate at Georgetown Univ.
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Darrel Smith

christianpost.com - The Henley Theorem: The absence of law begets law, and law always sires more ... The longer you're in pastoral ministry, the more you move from being an ... Science can be a good thing — the issue ...
Skepticism greets religious freedom office
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CDM 4 Sarnia-Lambton

thechronicleherald.ca - In last year’s federal budget, the Department of Foreign Affairs saw its spending cut by $170 million. But Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird made sure his cherished Office of Religious Freedom we...
New Office of Religious Freedom praised by Canadian faithful
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Christian Churches

christiantelegraph.com - Bennett, in his early forties, is Catholic and the dean of Augustine College, a small, non-denominational college in Ottawa. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Edinburgh and...
Mississippi considering students' religious freedom bill :: EWTN News
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Joan Queraltó

ewtnnews.com - Versions of a “Schoolchildren's Religious Liberties Act” have passed both chambers of the Mississippi state legislature and will need to be reconciled before going to the governor to be signed into...
-Obama Admin. ‘Most Hostile’ to Religious Freedom in US History?
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B4IN Christian News

beforeitsnews.com - Is President Obama and his administration the worst ever when it comes to religious Freedom? Yes, I believe so and have been have been saying this and documenting it for some time now. It’s great t...
Bias within religious freedom office?
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iDot Daily

vancouversun.com - Regardless of whether it's good policy or good politics, this week's opening of Canada's new Office of Religious Freedom is taking the lid off a Pandora's box. The Conservative government is follow...
Obama Administration: We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith
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Rob Glennon

m.cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - In a legal argument formally presented in federal court in the case of Hobby Lobby v. Kathleen Sebelius, the Obama administration is claiming that the First Amendment—which expressl...
National Secular Society - UK signs agreement on “religious freedom” with OIC
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Andrew McDonagh

secularism.org.uk - Concerns have been raised by the National Secular Society that the UK's stance on free speech could be compromised by an agreement signed at the United Nations between this country and the Organisa...
Academics split on Canada's religious freedom ambassador - Politics - CBC News
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Dr. Abbee Corb, CMAS

cbc.ca - Prime Minister Stephen Harper calls Canada's new ambassador of religious freedom "a scholar, a man of principle and deep convictions," but the emphasis on Dr. Andrew Bennett's academic qualificatio...
PATTERSON: John Kerry's questionable record on religious liberty - Washington Times
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washingtontimes.com - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has left Foggy Bottom, and social and religious conservatives have mixed feelings. While she raised the ire of social conservatives by her liberal politics, and p...
Manitoba's anti-bullying law opposed by religious schools - Manitoba - CBC News
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Matthew Riddett

cbc.ca - Some Manitoba religious schools say the government is infringing on their religious freedoms with its new anti-bullying law. About 1,000 staff, students and parents met Sunday night in the gymnasiu...
Obama Admin. 'Most Hostile' to Religious Freedom in US History, Says Expert
Partilhado por
Ruth Stephens

christianpost.com - The Henley Theorem: The absence of law begets law, and law always sires more ... The longer you're in pastoral ministry, the more you move from being an ... Science can be a good thing — the issue ...


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First Amendment to the Constitution: Freedom of the Press
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Law 1783

shestokas.com - Like Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, in the United States the concept of Freedom of the Press as it developed has been uniquely American.  Along with free speech for the general populati...
COMMENT: An Ambassador of Freedom FROM religion?
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Religion World

rosslandtelegraph.com - Canada now has an Ambassador of Religious Freedom. By definition the basis of religion is in the realm of metaphysics, but metaphysics surely cannot be the focus for our newest Ambassador. How does...
adventist report: 2011 International Religious Freedom Report
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#New World Order

adventistreport.com - Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom either alone or in community with others and in pub...
Free speech as seen by a believer in an Abrahamic religion
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freespeechdebate.com - Dramatic global clashes over free speech frequently pit a liberal-inspired defence of freedom against the sensitivities of religion. Whether it is in the protests surrounding the Innocence of Musli...
Article #18, Freedom of Thought, Religion & Beliefs : Youth For Human Rights Video
Partilhado por
Refresh Your Nest

youthforhumanrights.org - Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in pub...
The Malaysian Insider - Main - Side Views - Freedom of religion at stake in Malaysia — Wan Hilmi (loyarburok.com) @ Mon Feb 25 2013
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Chris Lim Sor Yeung

themalaysianinsider.com - FEB 25 — When a religious controversy arises, there will be a lot of hoo-ha among Malaysians — no matter how unproductive it is to debate about it.  While Primer Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and...
Virginia legislature passes bill protecting religious freedom of student organizations : News Headlines - Catholic Culture
Partilhado por
Mister American

catholicculture.org - By votes of 80-19 and 21-18, the Virginia house and senate have passed legislation that “permits, to the extent allowed by law, religious or political student organizations at public institutions o...
Rick Warren Tackles Religious Freedom, Birth Control Mandate at Georgetown Univ.
Partilhado por
Darrel Smith

christianpost.com - The Henley Theorem: The absence of law begets law, and law always sires more ... The longer you're in pastoral ministry, the more you move from being an ... Science can be a good thing — the issue ...
Mississippi considering students' religious freedom bill :: EWTN News
Partilhado por
Joan Queraltó

ewtnnews.com - Versions of a “Schoolchildren's Religious Liberties Act” have passed both chambers of the Mississippi state legislature and will need to be reconciled before going to the governor to be signed into...
National Secular Society - UK signs agreement on “religious freedom” with OIC
Partilhado por
Andrew McDonagh

secularism.org.uk - Concerns have been raised by the National Secular Society that the UK's stance on free speech could be compromised by an agreement signed at the United Nations between this country and the Organisa...
Obama Admin. 'Most Hostile' to Religious Freedom in US History, Says Expert
Partilhado por
Ruth Stephens

christianpost.com - The Henley Theorem: The absence of law begets law, and law always sires more ... The longer you're in pastoral ministry, the more you move from being an ... Science can be a good thing — the issue ...

segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2012

Coroner's Report Says Whitney Houston Died From Drowning - Business Insider

Coroner's Report Says Whitney Houston Died From Drowning articles.businessinsider.com Reuters has reported that the cause of Whitney Houston's death was accidental drowning. A press release from the the Los Angeles Coroner's office states that the effects of both heart disease …
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Iran's Christian Pastor Alive, Execution Looming | Fox News

“When it’s a high-profile case, they test the international community’s reaction to these stories and how they change as geopolitical priorities shift.”Iran’s judiciary, fearing its ultimate decision will have far-reaching political implications, …
Read More... [Source: Newsvine - Son News - Seeds]